Born as a part of devotional rituals for the deities, Indian dance developed from the mysteries of the Devadasi, the priestesses of the temples of India. This book is a fascinating journey with Indian dance, relating to the history, spirituality and culture of India, with a yogic and Ayurvedic perspective. The Sacred Dance of the Devadasi dives deep into the fundaments of Indian classical dance Bharata Natyam, from the origin to the theater, and it allows an exploration on the pure essence of the kundalini shakti and the sacred feminine. This book of the devi of India is the result of many years of dance researches, training and life in South India and it's dedicated to all the dancers, yogis and lovers of Indian culture.

A life devoted to spiritual practice and temple dance...

Daniela is a dancer, Indian Temple Dance and Yoga teacher. Daniela embodies the heritage of the Devadasi, the priestess of the temples of India, reclaiming the power of ritualistic dance and sharing with many women their secrets and mysteries. 

Ebook The Sacred Dance of the Devadasi, by Daniela Riva

Temple dance

Temple Dance

Temple Dance